What is your Enneagram Type?

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Ready to find out your Enneagram core type?

There are two parts to this quiz.

In each part, choose the paragraph that best fits you. Make sure to think back and choose the paragraph that fits you consistently throughout your life.

Try to avoid choosing the paragraph of the person you’ll like to be or based on your mood right now. If you’re not in a clear mindset, maybe it would be good to come back after you’ve done some self-care.

It is common to get stuck between two answers in a part. In that case, choose the one that fits you more often than the other.

Here’s to discovering more of your self-story.

Find your Enneagram Core Type

Find your Enneagram Core Type

Question 1 of 2.

Part I

1. I have tended to be fairly independent and assertive: I’ve felt that life works best when you meet it head on. I set my own goals, get involved, and want to make things happen. I don’t like sitting around—I want to achieve something big and have an impact. I don’t necessarily seek confrontations, but I don’t let people push me around, either. Most of the time, I know what I want, and I go for it. I tend to work hard and to play hard.
2. I have tended to be quiet, and am used to being on my own. I usually don’t draw much attention to myself socially, and it’s generally unusual for me to assert myself all that forcefully. I don’t feel comfortable taking the lead or being as competitive as others. Many would probably say that I’m something of a dreamer—a lot of my excitement goes on in my imagination. I can be quite content without feeling I have to be active all the time.
3. I have tended to be extremely responsible and dedicated. I feel terrible if I don’t keep my commitments and do what’s expected of me. I want people to know that I’m there for them and that I’ll do what I believe is best for them. I’ve often made great personal sacrifices for the sake of others, whether they know it or not. I often don’t take adequate care of myself—I do the work that needs to be done and relax (and do what I want) if there’s time left.
Question 2 of 2.

Part II

1. I am a person who usually maintains a positive outlook and feels that things will work out for the best. I can usually find something to be enthusiastic about and different ways to occupy myself. I like being around people and helping others be happy—I enjoy sharing my own well-being with them. (I don’t always feel great, but I try not to show it to anyone!) However, staying positive has sometimes meant that I’ve put off dealing with my own problems for too long.
2. I am a person who has strong feelings about things—most people can tell when I’m upset about something. I can be guarded with people, but I’m more sensitive than I let on. I want to know where I stand with others and who and what I can count on—it’s pretty clear to most people where they stand with me. When I’m upset about something, I want others to respond and to get as worked up as I am. I know the rules, but I don’t want people telling me what to do. I want to decide for myself.
3. I am a person who is self-controlled and logical—I don’t like revealing my feelings or getting bogged down in them. I am efficient—even perfectionistic about my work—and prefer working on my own. If there are problems or personal conflicts, I try not to let my feelings influence my actions. Some say I’m too cool and detached, but I don’t want my private reactions to distract me from what’s really important. I am glad that I usually don’t show my reactions when others “get to me.”

Next question 1 of 2

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