My work is dedicated to linking ideas and resources so that you can be the person you want to be and live the life you want to live.

(And I try to make it as simple and fun as possible.)

Hi! I’m Katie.

Growing up, I’ve always loved trying to understand why we do what we do, find beauty in every moment, and make things better when possible. For as long as I can remember, “think happy thoughts” was my motto.

I was (and still am) obsessed with efficiency. I am always trying to streamline processes or design a better workflow. If you’ll like to hear a funny story, ask my mother about how I surprised her by rearranging her kitchen when she was out.

Not only am I an eternal optimist and strategic innovator, I genuinely believe that there is a possibility in every moment. We are always presented with opportunities to better ourselves and our environment so that we all can live the life we dream of. The only thing holding us back is ourselves.

I am also passionate about many things that seem unrelated, like business, philosophy, wellness, psychology, pet care, quantum physics, and more. Being Deaf has also provided me with a unique world view that I will forever cherish.

This unique combination of passion and skills has allowed me to make a difference. I started this blog as a platform to share ideas and resources so that you can also be the person you want to be. I know that I only have a glimpse of the grand possibilities within our lives.

I like to live by my words. I am not very active on social media because I like to be in the moment with family, friends, and nature. I’m not perfect, and I have days where I want to hide in bed all day. Thank you for your support as I share the authentic me and navigate today’s trends.

I have had the fortune to live in beautiful places like Corpus Christi, TX, Berkeley, CA, and Snowmass, CO. I currently reside in Austin, TX.

[A white girl with brown long hair and gold stud earrings smiles at the camera.]


Three major themes are consistently found in the content shared.

Self Awareness

Building a meaningful home requires a strong foundation. I believe that self-awareness is the foundation that affects the quality of our life and how we share our gifts with the world.


Knowing is not enough. Movement is equally important. Building a support system and taking action is the next step to designing the life you want.


My perspective and content are greatly shaped by my experience as a Deaf person. I am lucky to be a part of a beautiful community.

Core Values

These are the four core values guiding the growth of this blog.

When we sit quietly in a dark room, the smallest thing becomes the loudest. The world is the loudest it has ever been, parallel with the rates of mental illness, distress, conflict, and negativity. This blog’s first focus is to bring peace to your life through ideas and inspiration. Meditation and mindfulness is a cool tool to balance the heat of our life. Within solitude, we can truly begin to embrace our authentic self.

Related terms: peaceful, inspiring, balanced, transcendent, purpose-oriented, healthy, positive, healing, optimistic, compassionate, innovative, creative, abundance

Trust is the core of every successful relationship. This blog aims to be transparent, honest, and ethical in all our interactions with readers and partners. We will be clear where there are affiliate links, referrals, or similar kinds of opportunities so you know exactly what you’re getting. With a healthy relationship between us, our peace of mind continues.

Related terms: honest, integrity, transparent, unbiased, consistent, respect, courage, not superficial, efficient, genuine, ethical, trustworthy

Life is full of diversity. If you look at nature, you’ll see that the trees and flowers grow without competing with the other. This brings a beautiful space that benefits the ecosystem (like the birds and the bees). We know that we can do great things ourselves but we can do so much more when we work with others. When we engage in healthy dialogue and teamwork, a new way of life opens up for all of us.

Related terms: community, thought-provoking, philosophical, open-minded, communication, education, open dialogue, sustainable, synergy, positive-sum game

We work best in clean spaces that allow our personalities and thoughts to shine through. This blog aims to be as simple and easy as possible to allow readers to enjoy their journey all the more. Life is more fun when you’re surrounded by friendly and supportive people.

Related terms: easy, minimalist, affordable, clean, aesthetically pleasing, warm, friendly, down to earth, fun, patient